What Cut Is Country Style Beef Ribs

Country style ribs on the grill

Types of Ribs and Different Styles

Country style beef ribs grill cooked are a wonderful centerpiece for a wholesome meal . The other main types of ribs include pork spareribs, St. Louis style ribs, baby back ribs, flanked short ribs.

The spareribs are meat taken from the lower belly part of the pig and produce a subtle flavor. St. Louis style ribs have the tip of fat removed from them. This allows for a uniform shape and cooking time throughout the piece of meat. Baby back ribs are by far one of the most popular types. They are smaller and leaner than other varieties, but hold up well to low heat and long cooking procedures. Flanked short ribs are the best choice if you're looking for a single-serving rib. They feature a hearty amount of meat on a shorter bone.

Country-style beef ribs are a variation of these meat cuts and are actually a cut of meat from the shoulder of the cow. This marbled and juicy cut of meat is cooked country style, which incorporates barbecue and spices to create a layered flavor profile.

Country-style ribs are used the most in the rural South. They have a brilliant flavor profile and pork is a popular addition to many soul food recipes. Barbecue is a popular activity in areas of the South, which allows these ribs to be consumed and celebrated in all seasons.

Cooking Styles

The variety of rib cuts allows this versatile meat to take well to many different cooking styles. Cooking ribs can involve oven baking, smoking, and grilling techniques.

Oven baking ribs requires a lot of cooking time at a relatively low temperature. Most recipes necessitate a cooking temperature of about 300 degrees Fahrenheit and a cooking time of about 12 hours. The oven's long and low cooking procedure makes it a popular option for smaller venues. If you're a city dweller, oven baking ribs is also a great way to get the taste of barbecue without an outdoor recreation area. A great and easy way to get BBQ beef ribs oven ready is to prepare them ahead of time with a good, penetrating sauce.

Smoking ribs requires proper barbecue equipment and technique . The best woods for smoking this cut of meat are cherry wood and hickory. These hardwoods provide a light, sweet flavor profile to the ribs . This cooking style is popular because it is an all day activity that can be done with family and friends. It requires a very low cooking temperature over a long period of time.

Grilling is by far one of the most popular cooking styles for ribs. To produce tender, fall-apart meat that is a signature of country-style ribs, grilling is a great choice. Because this method requires a long and slow cooking process, you are assured that it's a fairly easy endeavor. The minimal amount of preparation required before you begin grilling the meat means that there's more time for conversation. Grilling a country

Cooking styles

Country-Style Cookin'

To get the most out of your country-style beef ribs on the grill, understanding a bit about soul food is essential. Soul food is a basic, down-home cooking method with roots in the rural South. Flavor profiles include salty, sweet and savory. Pork ribs have a high propensity for absorbing country flavor profiles, and as such has limitless potential in this cooking realm.

Simple and unpretentious southern style cooking is meant to evoke a sense of home-style hospitality. Besides ribs, the most common soul foods include fried chicken, hog intestines (chitlins), pickled pigs feet and turnip greens. These foods will pair very well with a grilled rib recipe! They would also complement country style ribs smoked over a fire.

Getting the best out of your rib cooking experience and providing a hearty meal to your family means knowing how to prepare and grill your meat. Preparation is essential for producing the most flavorful ribs. If you forget to season your ribs or don't allow time for a marinade to penetrate the meat, you might have a very disappointing result. Keep reading below for a helpful guide on how to cook the best country-style beef ribs on the grill.

Step-By-Step Guide to Country-Style Beef Ribs on the Grill

When you're looking to cook ribs on a charcoal or gas grill, a marinade and seasoning mix can add an abundance of flavor. To get the most out of your grilling experience, consider a combination of dry rub and brine to get the best result.

A brine is a salt-based solution that adds layers of flavor to all parts of your ribs. The salt penetrates deep into the meat and adds tenderness. To make a brine, follow the recipe and steps below.

Brine Recipe

Ingredients & Tool

  • 1.5 pounds of salt
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL chili powder.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL garlic powder.
  • Non-reactive container (or large plastic sealed bag)


  • Heat up the solution in a large pot. Be sure to dissolve all salt and spices.
  • Put your ribs in the non-reactive container.
  • Cover the ribs with the salt solution. Use enough brine to immerse the ribs completely.
  • Brine your ribs for two hours at a cool temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Proceed to apply your spice rub and grill!

A spice rub adds flavor and a beautiful crust to the meat. When the grill sears the outside of the ribs, the spicy exterior makes a great contrast to the tender, juicy meat inside. To make a spice rub, follow the recipe below. Then, make sure to follow the instructions on how to maximize the flavor by rubbing your cut of meat.

Country-Style Spice Rub Recipe


  • 1/2 cup/120 mL brown sugar.
  • 1/4 cup/60 mL paprika.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL black pepper.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL salt.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL chili powder.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL garlic powder.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL onion powder.
  • 1 teaspoon/5 mL cayenne.

Dry Rub Procedure

A dry rub requires only a mix of the above ingredients and a thorough application. After mixing the above ingredients, rub the spice mixture well into all outside portions of the meat. Some cooks perform a spice rub for up to ten minutes. This helps to maximize the flavor distribution of these spices. After applying the rub, let your ribs rest for ten minutes before proceeding. The result is a more flavorful and complete meal.

After applying a brine and dry rub to your ribs, they're ready to grill.

The secret to cooking low and slow

Grilling Ribs

The secret to grilling a good batch of country-style beef ribs is cooking low and slow. Make sure to cook the ribs over indirect flames to allow the tough connective tissue to melt away. This produces fall-apart, tender meat. High heat can damage this process and turn the ribs chewy and tough.

Grilling Procedure

  • Place ribs directly on grill with tongs. Cover and grill over indirect medium heat for 30 minutes on each side.
  • After the first hour, move the ribs to direct medium heat and cook for 40 minutes on each side. The ribs should become tender at this stage
  • Occasionally turn the ribs and baste with a barbecue sauce per preference.
  • Test the ribs to ensure an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, or by using a toothpick.
  • Once tender and at temperature , remove the ribs and let them rest for ten minutes to complete the cooking process. Baste again with sauce, if you prefer.

Serving Ribs

To serve country-style beef ribs, split up the portions of meat into manageable sections. Use a sharp chef knife and cut into two-bone portions, ensuring that your cut is as close to the bone as possible. This ensures that there's a lot of meat on each cut. When serving, you can provide a dipping sauce like barbecue to enhance the flavor.

Country Style Beef Ribs on the Grill

To get the most out of your country-style beef ribs on the grill, understanding a bit about soul food is essential. Getting the best out of your rib cooking experience and providing a hearty meal to your family means knowing how to prepare and grill your meat.

Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Time 45 mins

Course: Main Course

Cuisine: American

Keyword: Beef Ribs

Servings: 4

Calories: 250 kcal



  • 1.5 pounds of salt
  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL chili powder.
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL garlic powder.
  • Non-reactive container (or large plastic sealed bag)

Spice Rub

  • 1/2 cup/120 mL brown sugar.
  • 1/4 cup/60 mL paprika
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL salt
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL chili powder
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon/15 mL onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon/5 mL cayenne


  • Heat up the solution in a large pot. Be sure to dissolve all salt and spices.

  • Put your ribs in the non-reactive container.

  • Cover the ribs with the salt solution.

  • Use enough brine to immerse the ribs completely.

  • Brine your ribs for two hours at a cool temperature below 40 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Proceed to apply your spice rub and grill!

  • A dry rub requires only a mix of the above ingredients and a thorough application.

  • After mixing the above ingredients, rub the spice mixture well into all outside portions of the meat.

  • Some cooks perform a spice rub for up to ten minutes.

  • This helps to maximize the flavor distribution of these spices.

  • After applying the rub, let your ribs rest for ten minutes before proceeding.

  • The result is a more flavorful and complete meal.

  • After applying a brine and dry rub to your ribs, they're ready to grill.

  • Place ribs directly on grill with tongs.

  • Cover and grill over indirect medium heat for 30 minutes on each side.

  • After the first hour, move the ribs to direct medium heat and cook for 40 minutes on each side.

  • The ribs should become tender at this stage

  • Occasionally turn the ribs and baste with a barbecue sauce per preference.

  • Test the ribs to ensure an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit, or by using a toothpick.

  • Once tender andat temperature, remove the ribs and let them rest for ten minutes to complete the cooking process.

  • Baste again with sauce, if you prefer.

  • To serve country-style beef ribs, split up the portions of meat into manageable sections.

  • Use a sharp chef knife and cut into two-bone portions, ensuring that your cut is as close to the bone as possible.

  • This ensures that there's a lot of meat on each cut.

  • When serving, you can provide a dipping sauce like barbecue to enhance the flavor.


Serving: 113 g | Calories: 250 kcal


  • Apply your sauce after the meat is prepared . Some sauces taste fantastic straight from the bottle, and others are great for baking on the grill. When considering the best sauce for your meat, definitely look at how you're going to use it. If you want a sauce that will caramelize, put it on as your meat is cooking.
  • A pro tip is to apply your sauce after the meat is prepared to maximize the flavor. Since grilling requires cooking over a low indirect heat, you can apply it at the end of the cooking cycle without hindering the process. Apply your sauce during the last thirty minutes of cooking for an added kick!
  • Keep your meat from sticking to the grill by rubbing the surface of your grill with vegetable oil. If you prefer a more diet-friendly option, use extra virgin olive oil.
  • Test for doneness quickly with a toothpick. If you stick the ribs with a toothpick and it slides in with no resistance, your ribs are tender and ready for consumption. When testing with a toothpick, make sure to test various parts of the meat for an accurate estimation.

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The best country style ribs


Preparing and serving the best country-style beef ribs on the grill can be a fun and rewarding experience . By ensuring you follow the best practices for proper seasoning, brining and grilling, you're on your way to a flavorful experience.

Country-style cooking is reminiscent of down-home hospitality and includes bold, recognizable flavors. Beef ribs on the grill, with a country-style seasoning, are a great way to embrace this cooking style. Hopefully, we've set you up with a wealth of knowledge and know-how to proficiently get your rack of beef ribs on the grill and to your table.


Source: https://grillmasteruniversity.com/country-style-beef-ribs/

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