Is Having a Baby at 47 Too Old and Is Safe

More than 100,000 Americans requite birth in their 40s each yr, but what does that mean for the health of their pregnancies and their babies?

Reyhan Harmanci, who is currently pregnant with her second child, photographed outside in Brooklyn.
Credit... Celeste Sloman for The New York Times

This story was originally published on Nov. 12, 2019 in NYT Parenting.

At some point in simple schoolhouse, I understood something almost my mother: She was older than the other moms. Every now and and then, I would write her age on a course or talk about the yr she was born, and a classmate would loudly exhale at the response. "Human," she would say, "that's Aboriginal."

Indeed. My female parent was a whopping 29 when she got pregnant, and 30 when she gave nativity to me.

This situation came to mind before this yr, when my father-in-police expressed unprompted concern near the possibility of my husband and me having a 2nd child at my "advanced historic period" of 40. We were courting medical disaster, he said, for myself and for the baby.

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My first response was fury — O.K., boomer — but did he have a point? In 2019, the Centers for Illness Command and Prevention appear that while the birthrates for women under 40 had been declining for years, those for women in their early 40s were increasing — by 3 percent every year since 1982. The average age of starting time-time mothers in the United States is now 26 — up from 23 in 1994. And in Manhattan, almost where I live, it's 32.

Risk is a squishy concept, and it is tricky to square scientific research with one's personal feel, but there are undoubtably sure hazards specific to what, until recently, was called a "geriatric pregnancy." To put those issues into perspective, I spoke with six experts to acquire about the unique concerns that may arise with having a child after forty.


Credit... Celeste Sloman for The New York Times

This is probably the all-time-known role of the aging equation. The fact is, eggs gradually decline in number and quality equally you get older. If you lot're over 35, y'all're considered to be of "advanced maternal age" — with fertility starting to drop most significantly around 32, co-ordinate to the American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and taking a particularly deep nose dive around 37. "By age 44, the chances of spontaneous pregnancy arroyo zilch," said Dr. Jane van Dis, 1000.D., an ob-gyn practicing in Burbank, Calif.

Of course, reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilization tin assist some couples brim those numbers, but even those efforts tin can become less successful with age. According to a 2016 study from the C.D.C., one in vitro fertilization bike has a 36 pct risk of successfully impregnating a woman nether 35, whereas it has nigh a 22 percent run a risk for women between 38 and 40, near a 13 percent hazard for those 41 or 42, and most a 6 per centum take a chance for women over 42.

[Read more almost fertility hither .]

Miscarriages and stillbirths can happen at any age, but the chances increase as you lot get older. Pregnancy losses that happen before 20 weeks — which are called miscarriages; anything later is considered a stillbirth — are near always caused by chromosomal problems in the embryo, which are more likely in older eggs. For this reason, according to Dr. van Dis, women between xl and 44 have a 33 percent hazard of miscarriage. Across all pregnancies, miscarriage risk is believed to be closer to 10 to 20 percent, though estimates can vary. It is possible these percentages may be higher, because, for instance, many women who miscarry do so before they know they are pregnant and may not written report it.

Show also suggests that pregnant people in their 40s are at college chance of stillbirth. The reasons are a flake murky — though in a 2008 review of studies, researchers suggested that the higher incidence of conditions similar high blood pressure during pregnancy or gestational diabetes amid older mothers may be at least partly to blame.

Because longer gestational times can increase the take a chance of stillbirth, many doctors won't allow a woman over xl to go into labor past her due date. Generally, she volition be given a planned consecration.

As you age, your chances of developing certain cardiovascular problems like high claret force per unit area and centre disease increase. This is i of the reasons women over xl are at higher risk for pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure level and protein in the urine during pregnancy, which tin can be life-threatening) and gestational diabetes (abnormally high claret carbohydrate during pregnancy). These conditions tin create a host of issues for both mother and infant — including low (or abnormally high) nascency weights and premature deliveries.

Another big problem is an increased chance of developing placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta either partly or fully covers the neck. Across all pregnancies, ane in 200 will develop the condition, with testify suggesting a much higher risk for women 35 or older. Placenta previa is dangerous, and can increase the run a risk for premature labor and stillbirth.

This was probably the biggest surprise to me: Enquiry suggests that the older a new mother is when she has her first child, the college her adventure for chest cancer. According to Louise Brinton, Ph.D., who was formerly chief of the Hormonal and Reproductive Epidemiology Co-operative at the National Cancer Institute, women who have their first child afterwards twoscore may be at slightly higher risk of developing chest cancer in the decade or then following childbirth than those who gave nascence before they were xx. "The simplistic view is that equally you age, your cells are constantly changing, and a heavy dose of hormone can promote them into cancer," Dr. Brinton said.

How this phenomenon translates into absolute, rather than relative, risk, however, is a bit thorny. A large study published in 2018, for instance, found that among women who had children between 34 and 47, 2.two percentage developed breast cancer inside three to seven years after they gave nativity (among women who never had children, the rate was ane.9 percent). Over all, according to the American Cancer Society, women between 40 and 49 have a 1.five percent run a risk of developing chest cancer.

To confuse things farther, studies have besides shown that a history of childbirth may have a protective effect against breast cancer later in life, said Hazel Nichols, Ph.D., an associate professor of epidemiology at the Academy of North Carolina Gillings School of Global Public Health and i of the authors of the 2018 study. So the slightly increased risk of breast cancer following a birth later on in life may exist balanced past having more children in general.

The best thing you can do, Dr. Brinton said, is to brand sure that your medico is aware of this risk and that you are regularly screened with mammograms.

Again, the older an egg, the more probable it is to have chromosomal issues, which can increase your kid's risk for sure nascency defects. For women who get pregnant at 25, the chance for Down syndrome, the near mutual chromosomal condition, is nearly one in 1,250; at age xl, that take a chance jumps to nearly one in 100.

Of class, noninvasive blood tests for chromosomal issues like Down's syndrome allow you lot to get information most your kid's genetic makeup every bit early as 10 weeks.

There is too some, if limited, evidence that older fathers may pose certain risks to their offspring. A review published in 2019, for instance, establish that babies born to fathers 45 or older were at higher risk for sure complications similar depression nascence weight, a low Apgar score (a quick examination to estimate a babe's well-existence one to v minutes afterward nascence) and premature nascence. They also seemed to be more likely to develop autism, schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder than the children of men who were younger. It is important to note, still, that all such studies were observational, and so more inquiry is needed.

[Read more than about male infertility .]

What, then, to brand of all of this? The most optimistic clinician I spoke to was Dr. James Grifo, One thousand.D., Ph.D., program manager at the NYU Langone Fertility Center. He pointed out that while "pregnancy is i of the riskiest states that most women experience in their lives," the odds of a calamitous event are nevertheless depression. "The average age of my patient is 39, and obstetrically, they do quite well," he said. "Historic period is not a reason non to try if you want a baby."

Over and over, I found myself having two conversations with experts: Ane almost what they knew from their patients or their research, and another almost the choices they made nearly when to have children on their own.

Dr. Brinton, for instance, who had a daughter when she was 42, said that her biggest bug were "societal" rather than medical. "I was always the older female parent," she said. "When I would go to school, I would be asked if I was her grandmother. When it comes from a child, it's a stab in the heart."

Dr. van Dis, who had twins at 39, said she wished she had children when she was younger, but not because of the health risks. She put off having children earlier because of her medical career and her then-hubby'southward ambivalence toward starting a family — and now she is divorced. "I would accept told my younger self that information technology'south better to exist a single mom than to partner with someone who is not committed to you, simply considering you think you won't be able to have a family if you don't have a partner," she said.

Is it responsible or smart to endeavour to have kids at 40? Psychological studies tell us that humans have trouble imagining themselves as subject to bad outcomes, which may be why we persist in rolling the dice. Joan Didion tells us that "annihilation worth having has its cost." What my male parent-in-law didn't know is that when he sent that notation, I was already pregnant.

Reyhan Harmanci is deputy head of programming at Gimlet.


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